Heating and Cooling Canberra

Heating Cooling

Heating Systems

Air conditioning systems use a refrigerant and compressor to absorb the heat from inside your home then transfers it through the refrigerant pipework to discharge outdoors. During Winter the system reverses it’s operation by the use of a three way valve within the refrigerant system, collecting heat from the outside air for distribution around your home. Most Daikin systems have an operating range of -15°C to +46°C assuring you of comfort in your home no matter what the conditions outdoors. Australia’s first 7-star ‘super efficiency’ split system.

Warming Up

It may surprise many Canberra’s that ActewAGL says using the latest electric reverse-cycle heater in a three bedroom home for 10 hours a day throughout winter costs $460. This equates to about 50c per hour. The utility company says using natural gas ducted heating for 10 hours a day throughout winter would cost $874, or 95c an hour. Both these calculations assume that the heating runs for 50 per cent of the time.

  • Firewood: $750
  • Natural gas ducted heating: $874*
  • Electric reverse-cycle unit: $460

*ActewAGL figures assumes heating source is used for 10 hours a day over winter.

(Extracts from a report entitled “Feeling the heat in ACT: the true cost”. Published in the Canberra Times Saturday June 4th 2011).

Contact us to make a free on-site appointment.